LIMS Wizards and LabTwin Partner to Enhance AI-and Voice-powered Digital Lab Assistant Presence in North American Market

LabTwin and LIMS Wizards Partner for North American DistributionJuly 5, 2023

NEWARK, DE, UNITED STATES, — LIMS Wizards, LLC, a global scientific software solutions provider, is pleased to announce its exclusive North American distributorship for LabTwin, the leading AI- and voice-powered smart lab assistant.

These two global lab informatics leaders have partnered to build upon the strengths of each with the shared goal of accelerating innovation by digitizing laboratory data recording and making it available more quickly and more accurately to the laboratory’s customers. 

“LabTwin aims to reduce the overall time to market for essential innovations, the regulatory risks, and the cost of delays associated with error-prone, paper-based manual processes. LIMS Wizards is excited to bring these exclusive capabilities to scientists in North America,” explains Dale Seabrooke, Vice President of Sales. 

John Egerton, Head of Sales at LabTwin, concurs, saying “After entering the market in 2019 as the world’s first voice-powered digital lab assistant, LabTwin has been adopted by some of the world’s most recognizable companies, across Europe, North America, Asia, and Oceania. This partnership with LIMS Wizards provides us with the ability to have an instant local presence and support within the North American market. As a company with well-known expertise within lab informatics, LIMS Wizards represents the perfect partner in helping us with our mission to accelerate innovation within the lab.” 

What is LabTwin

LabTwin acts as a mobile companion in the lab, guiding scientists through the steps of an experiment and capturing observations, results, or pictures in real-time and in context. The advanced voice technology is based on large natural language processing models, combined with laboratory-specific training, which enables LabTwin’s accuracy to surpass that of other digital assistants. LabTwin can structure the captured data using FAIR data principles, incorporate metadata and results, and be configured with company-specific terminology and workflows. It can also be interfaced with ELN or LIMS software if desired.

LIMS Wizards is now providing LabTwin to scientists across North America to enable better science, faster. LabTwin is useful in a wide range of industries such as pharmaceutical, food and beverage, materials science, and chemicals, for research and development and quality control. 

Learn More About LabTwin

LabTwin is available from LIMS Wizards as of June 26, 2023. You can read more about how LabTwin works here, request a demo, or visit us at a number of events where we are exhibiting.